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A facelift, or rhytidectomy, is a surgical procedure which primarily tightens and lifts the lower face and neck. It allows for tightening of the underlying muscles and redraping of the skin after “excess” skin is removed, to give a lifted, refined contour to the neck and jawline.  A mini facelift is for those who do not require as extensive tightening of the neck those with less skin laxity.  A traditional facelift, whether full or mini, involves incisions of varying lengths and significant risks and downtime.

Some individuals desire the tightening of the neck and jawline which only a surgical facelift can provide, but many women (and men) are opting for a more natural and more rejuvenating result. This is accomplished though re-volumizing the face and tightening the skin. Without restoring youthful contours and fullness, tightening can lead to a pulled and skeletonized look instead of a rejuvenated look.

Dr. Nicole encourages “natural” facial rejuvenation, with her goal being to offer rejuvenation without an “operated look”. She does not perform traditional facelifts in her practice.

A combination of the following will provide the best results in facial rejuvenation:

  1. Y Lift™ – this is essentially a volume facelift which utilizes hyaluronic acid fillers placed strategically to restore youthful contours and fullness to the face. The result is a natural rejuvenated and rested appearance, treating both the midface and the lower face, contouring the jaw line and lifting the neck. There are no incisions, and the procedure is done in the office in under 2 hours. Results are immediate!
  2. Anti-aging skin care. This is a must for facial rejuvenation and an important investment!
  3. Utilizing various nonsurgical treatments specific to your concerns, such as Secret RF, laser skin resurfacing, neurotoxins, laser treatments for redness/broken capillaries and nonsurgical skin tightening procedures such as the Venus.
  4. Don’t forget about the importance of good nutrition and healthy living …. We can help with some advice here too!

Ask Dr. Nicole about the latest in cosmetic facial rejuvenation and which treatment options are best suited to your needs, both short term and long term.